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Riding Wild Page 6

Page 6

  Author: Jaci Burton

  He was damn shocked when Lily laid her head on his shoulder and moaned, rocking against his now fully erect cock.

  “Mac,” she sighed.

  He’d expected retreat, not a full-on attack. So now what? Undressing in this tiny tent was out of the question. And fucking her? So not a good idea for way too many reasons. But he owed her. He owed her big time. And he could help her sleep. She was tensed up from everything that had gone down tonight—he could feel it in every muscle of her body. So was he, but at the moment he wasn’t thinking about himself—he was thinking only about Lily, and the way she felt on top of him, sliding her jean-clad pussy against his cock, wanting what he desperately wanted to give her.

  But not this way, and not tonight.

  “That’s it, baby,” he whispered against her ear. “Ride my cock. Does it feel good on your clit?”

  “Mmm hmmm,” she mumbled, her face buried in his neck. She had a death grip on his shirt as she pitched forward.

  She needed better contact. He reached between them, finding the button of her jeans. With a quick flip of his fingers the button was undone and he drew the zipper down. Hey, he was a thief. He was good at getting into things. Or getting someone out of things. With a hard tug, he jerked Lily’s jeans down her hips, maneuvering underneath her to drag them down her thighs.

  Damn, he wished he was naked so he could feel the silky smoothness of her skin against his. But this would have to do.

  “Now rub against my dick. Make yourself come. ”

  She lifted, her gaze searching, curious. “Don’t you want to…”

  He grinned, swept her hair behind her ears. “More than life itself, baby. But this isn’t the time or place, and there’s no room in this tiny tent for a rollicking fuck session. Besides, I want to enjoy you. I just want to hear you, feel you get off.

  Now do it. ”

  Those eyes of hers…so vivid. She might want, but she was unsure whether to trust him. He asked a lot of her, exposing her like this, and he knew it. Once again, she was the one taking all the risks. But she was also the one who’d reap all the rewards. She needed this. Her muscles were taut with tension and she needed to unwind.

  “Come for me, Lily,” he whispered. “Let me do this for you. ”

  She stayed like she was, braced up with her hands on either side of him, then moved forward, her pussy brushing against the rough denim of his jeans. Against the hard rock of his dick, which throbbed in response, pulsing in protest.

  Yeah, yeah, it could complain as much as it wanted, but no way was he going to roll her under him and fuck her. Not tonight and not like this. Too much history, too much mental wrangling he wasn’t prepared to deal with. Besides, it was pure heaven soaking in the response in her eyes, the way her lips parted and she gasped as her clit found what it needed, dragging against his shaft.

  “That feel good?” he asked.

  “Oh. Oh, yes,” she whispered, her voice all gravelly soft and doing terrible things to his balls.

  At least he didn’t have to worry about being cold anymore. Heat swelled his cock to painful proportions, the sweet burn of her body undulating against him was roasting him. Yeah, he was more than hot now. Lily was fire and he was engulfed.

  He lifted his hips to give her better access and she responded by groaning.

  “Mac. ”

  His name spilling from her lips made him shudder. He gripped her hips, helping her slide along his cock. Her panties were wet, the moisture from her pussy soaking through his jeans. The urge to slip his fingers inside her, to feel her tight muscles surround his finger, was prominent in his mind. He wanted to pump her pussy and bring her to orgasm, to feel her clench and writhe around him and scream in his ear while her hot cream poured over his dick.

  And why, exactly, wasn’t he doing that? Because of some misguided sense of chivalry? When had he developed that particular affliction? Hell of a time for him to become honorable.

  Especially when her breathing grew sharper, her movements faster as she slid with relentless determination against his swollen cock.

  “Mac, I need to come. ”

  “I know. ” He dug his fingers into her hips and drew her down hard. His gaze was riveted on the concentration on her face, on how her teeth nibbled her bottom lip. The sounds of her ragged breaths intermixed with the tiny moans that escaped as she neared climax.

  “Yes, so close. ”

  She was panting now, and he gritted his teeth. Fuck, she was making him crazy rocking against his dick like that. His balls squeezed tight against his body, damn near bursting with the sweet pleasure of her hot pussy all over him. Control was almost nonexistent but he held on, concentrating on her face as she tilted her head back, cried out and released, shuddering against him.

  He could only imagine the sweet relief she felt as her orgasm crashed through her, leaving her trembling in its wake, panting as she fell on top of him, her head on his shoulder.

  Mac wrapped his arms around her and let her recover.

  He kept his eyes closed, the memory of Lily coming apart on top of him so damn sweet.

  And not at all comforting to his throbbing cock.

  She wiggled around and adjusted her clothes, then looked at him. God, she was incredibly beautiful with her hair disheveled and her lips parted. A ray of moonlight shined down on her, making her look like a wild angel come to visit him.

  More like a she-devil temptress out to steal his soul.

  She reached for the buckle of his belt but he laid his hand over hers.

  “No. ”

  She frowned. “Let me do this for you. ” She glanced at his erection.

  “Trying to distract me again so you can go on the hunt for the vial?”

  With a wry grin, she shook her head. “No, I’m trying to make you come. ”

  He shuddered at the thought. Tempting, but not a good idea. He needed his wits about him and he’d already lost them once. “I’m fine, babe. But thanks. Just lay here with me and let’s get some rest. ”

  “You don’t look fine. You look hard. ”

  She really was tempting him. How easy it would be to let go. “Lily, you can see how goddamn much I want you. But this tent is small and all I wanted tonight was to get you off.

  Now relax. We’ll have time for more later. Get some sleep. ”

  She frowned, but didn’t say anymore, just rolled to his side and pulled the jacket and blanket over them both before snuggling against him with a deep sigh.

  Good. At least she’d gotten a little relief. Frankly, he was surprised she’d gone for his suggestion. Hell, he was surprised about a lot of things. Whoever Lily West used to be wasn’t the woman he’d met again tonight. The Lily of ten years ago would never have rubbed her pussy against his cock and gotten herself off. She’d staggered him with her bold moves just now.

  Then again, he didn’t know a damn thing about the Lily of now, did he? He had to stop thinking of her as the shy, virginal girl she’d been. That girl was gone. In her place was a competent, ball-busting ex-cop turned private investigator. One who wanted to turn him in as a thief. One who wanted to steal the virus from him.

  He looked at her, wishing he could delve into her mind, really talk to her. But that would mean telling her things he couldn’t. Not right now, anyway. Maybe not ever.

  Her breathing was deep and even, signaling she’d fallen asleep. The orgasm had worked. She’d needed the release. So did he. But Mac hadn’t often gotten what he wanted, and what he’d really wanted tonight was Lily. What he’d always wanted was Lily.

  Denial built character, right?

  Or at least a long sleepless night.

  Lily woke early, her body sprawled half over Mac’s.

  She was cold, stiff and utterly pissed about her behavior the night before.

  She’d been after the virus and his cell phone. Or even his gun. Instead, she
’d gotten an orgasm. No vial, no cell phone, no gun. No freedom.

  But yeah, she’d gotten one hell of a climax. Then she’d passed out in his arms. And this morning she was still Mac’s prisoner.

  Ugh. Some tough PI she was. Hell of a way to do your job, Lily.

  The odd thing was she felt no embarrassment. He’d offered, she’d needed it and why the hell shouldn’t she have taken? Anxiety had ratcheted up to screaming level, and she’d really craved a shriek-inducing orgasm. She might not have screamed, but she sure cried out with the release.

  Granted, it hadn’t been the same as having Mac’s thick cock buried deep inside her, but what her body wanted and what it was going to get were two different things.

  Besides, she had no business dredging up the past with Mac, at least not emotionally. Physically, well, why not? They were two consenting adults and she was no longer a wide eyed teenager. She was more mature than the last time they’d played this game. She could handle it now. The logical part of her knew that she and Mac had no future beyond this time they would spend together. Why not use him the same way he’d used her ten years ago? He was great in bed, knew how to use his mouth and hands. She’d never had better orgasms than the ones she’d had with him. Even the one last night had been pretty damned spectacular, and he’d done nothing more than lie there while she rolled around on top of him and rubbed her clit against his cock.

  Her body heated at the memory, wanted much more than that.

  Tough. Now was not the time. Finesse was required, and a little more teasing. That meant that Mac would have to wait. And so would she.

  “You’re deep in thought this morning. ”

  She lifted her head and looked into his dark, mesmerizing eyes. “I’m always deep in thought. ”

  “Sleep well?”

  “Like the dead. Thanks for the orgasm. ”

  “My pleasure. ”

  She cracked a smile. “No, I believe it was mine alone.

  Sorry about that. ”

  He grinned back and they crawled out of the tent, Lily heading straight for the bathroom. She realized after she’d used the facilities that she only had the clothes on her back. Not even a toothbrush or a comb to drag through her hair. She rinsed her mouth with water, then looked up and glanced into the dirty mirror, grimacing at the remnants of yesterday’s makeup spread across her eyes. They’d definitely have to stop for a few necessities today. She hoped Mac was amenable to that. And where the hell was he hiding the vial and phone? She had to find them.

  He was already taking down the tent when she returned.

  “Mac, I’m going to need a few things. ”

  “Already got that covered,” he said without turning around. “I figured you’re going to need some girlie supplies, and I need to get a new seat for the bike. You can’t continue to ride on that tiny back seat. Not with the mileage we have to put on the next few days. ”

  Girlie supplies? She smiled at that. A new seat?

  Mileage? “Just how far are we going?”

  “Can’t tell you. ” He shoved the folded tent into the bag and stood, facing her. “The ride’s scenic though. You’ll enjoy it. ”

  She rolled her eyes as she followed him to the bike.

  Scenic. Great. That revealed a lot.

  After packing up, he tossed her his jacket and made her wear it.

  “Shouldn’t you have it on? You’re in front. ”

  “I’ll be fine until we get you a jacket. ” He straddled the bike and looked at her. “Get on. We have a lot to do today. ”

  With a resigned sigh, she climbed on the back of his Harley and wrapped her arms around him, holding tight while he sped out of the campground. The first stop was at a little Mom and Pop store where they had a quick cup of coffee— which was thick and strong and tasted wonderful. The breakfast roll was a little dry, but after no dinner last night it was heaven on earth. Then it was right back on the bike again.

  It occurred to her as they whipped through the chilly morning breeze that, other than riding a block here and there, she’d never really been on a motorcycle before the adrenalinepumped journey with Mac last night. Instinct had roared to life and caused her to jump on the back of the Harley as if she’d known what she was doing.